4 history essays questions | History homework help

4 history essays questions | History homework help.

The Format 12 new roman the rest of the requirements of these essays are on file attachment named “Essays Guideline”

MLA format and citation.


Essay Questions (4)

1.Read Einhard and supporting materials in Reiter 9.  Why is Charlemagne the symbol of a new Europe?

 The link to Einhard is here: http://www.fordham.edu/Halsall/basis/einhard.asp

2. Read the Rule of Benedict. What makes this choice of devotion a challenge?  What about it is appealing?


Benedict http://rule.kansasmonks.org/ This is an excellent illustrated edition of the rule. It’s short. a “chapter” is a paragraph.

Read the “Fall” of the Roman Empire, and the accounts in Reiter 8.  What are the chief theories? Do you think it was a fall, a decline or a transition?

Look at attachments

Read the Res Gestae (Divine Accomplishments) of Augustus, as well as the account of Augustus’ career in the supporting sources, and the various opinions in Reiter 7 and Suetonius’ life of Augustus.  Remembering that he is a politician – and therefore prone to spinning events to his advantage – how does Augustus make his message convincing to his audience?

Res GestaeThe autobiography of Augustus: http://classics.mit.edu/Augustus/deeds.html

Suetonius Augustus The complete Life of Augustus: http://www.fordham.edu/Halsall/ancient/suetonius-augustus.asp








4 history essays questions | History homework help

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