Essay dot safe transport of explosives, chemical interaction and

Essay dot safe transport of explosives, chemical interaction and.

Part A: You are the Environmental Coordinator at a chemical demilitarization facility. You are tasked with the compliant and safe transport of explosives off site to the disposal facility. Identify the proper placarding, labeling, and shipping documentation of the transport vehicle as required by the DOT.

Part B: The vehicle that was transporting the explosive in Part A has been struck by another vehicle. A small fire appears to be spreading from a tire on a vehicle at the scene of the accident. Identify the explosive material that could be involved, and describe the chemical interaction that could be occurring as a result of the collision between the two vehicles. What immediate action should the EHS and FS responders take to protect human health and the environment?

Your response should consist of at least 250 words. APA format in text references and minimum  two references. In text citations a must

Essay dot safe transport of explosives, chemical interaction and

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