Innovative elevator speech | Management homework help

Innovative elevator speech | Management homework help.

***Write a 2- to 3-minute elevator speech in which you describe how you see yourself as creatively intelligent, innovative, and/or entrepreneurial.


(I’m out going and positive….. I believe in finding the right person for the job… someone that loves what they do and will be a great asset to the mission… as well as someone I can motivate to go beyond their own expectations….)  

Describe at least one example of how you promoted innovation in your personal or professional life.

Present your elevator speech to two different people. One can be a personal acquaintance, the other must be a professional connection.

Write a 525- to 700-word reflection and answer the following questions:

Did you feel empowered to be more creative and innovative as a result of describing your skills out loud?

Did your audience ask any questions or share any insight about creativity and innovation?

*Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines…. with in-text citations.

Innovative elevator speech | Management homework help

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