Project management unit iii project and dq question

Project management unit iii project and dq question.


This assignment consists of five parts that must be saved and submitted as one document. 

Part 1

Please read Case Study 3.1: Keflavik Paper Company on pages 111–113 of the textbook, and respond to the questions for discussion. Please make sure that each question is answered thoroughly using a minimum of 200 words for each case study question.

Part 2

Please read Case Study 3.2: Project Selection at Nova Western, Inc. on pages 112–113 of the textbook, and respond to the questions for discussion. Please make sure that each question is answered thoroughly using a minimum of 200 words for each case study question.

Part 3

Prepare a fictional group project. You may use one of the following for your model:

enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementation,

website development project,

a marketing plan for a new product,

a process improvement project, or

an information system development project.

Develop a statement of work for the project using the following format:




tasks or requirements,

selection criteria,

deliverables or delivery schedule,


place of performance, and

period of performance.

You may refer to the statement of work section in the textbook on pages 150–151; you can also refer to the template in Table 5.2 on page 152 for an example.

Part 4

Next, create a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project. What are the key steps, including work packages, tasks, and any related subtasks for the project? You may refer to the Integrated Project in Chapter 5 on page 182 of the textbook for an example.

Part 5

Please use at least four fictional group members, and create a responsibility matrix. You may refer to the Integrated Project in Chapter 5 on page 183 of the textbook for an example.

Your paper should be no less than five pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and must be formatted according to APA guidelines. 

DQ Question

Your boss has just come to you with a great idea. He wants to develop a three-day camping trip that focuses on team building and conflict resolution. Other than that goal, he really does not provide any details. Based on the ambiguity of the request, what do you need to consider when it comes to the selection process and scope management of your new project?

Project management unit iii project and dq question

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