An accurate assessment is essential for effective intervention: the

An accurate assessment is essential for effective intervention: the. An accurate assessment is essential for effective   intervention: The ABC Model of Crisis Intervention.

  It is often said that Psychology is the science of understanding human   behavior, and Counseling is the art of helping others understand their   behavior. A person’s response to a crisis situation is idiosyncratic—not all   people have the same response. The response is unique to the individual with   how they perceived their crisis situation. Two sisters can have completely   different responses to the loss of a brother in active duty while completing   a tour in a combat zone. It is the therapist’s responsibility to try to see   the crisis situation from the client’s perspective. Although this can be   challenging, the success of such a goal is largely influenced by an effective   assessment. The ABC Model (Kanel, 2015) identifies 3 areas of assessment that   are essential when completing an initial interview and providing ongoing   treatment/interventions. What are these 3 categories? Define each category.   Which category is the most important? You can only pick 1 and you must   support your argument with professional sources.

Post should be at least 250 words required to use at least 2 peer-reviewed sources for post. Current APA formatting is required for all citations.

Textbook Chp 3

Kanel, K. (2015). A guide to crisis intervention (5th ed.). New York, NY: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285739908.

An accurate assessment is essential for effective intervention: the

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