Apply: signature assignment: contingency plan and executive | BUS475 Integrated Business Topics | University of Phoenix

Apply: signature assignment: contingency plan and executive | BUS475 Integrated Business Topics | University of Phoenix.

Review Strategic Management-8 Most Popular Cases in Connect. Access the case studies from the folder on the main course page in Blackboard.

Project plans outline the intended course of events; however, things don’t always happen as intended. Organizations need to consider risks and develop a contingency plan. This plan is typically presented to management.

Based on your prior research, determine potential risk factors for not meeting each of the project objectives. Develop a contingency plan for each of the potential risks. Add the potential risks and contingency plan to your Wk 4 – Apply: Project Plan assignment.

Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes and visuals on every slide in which you:

  • Identify the organization’s information presented in Wk 1.
  • Synthesize the SWOT analysis and market trend research.
  • Explain how the project objectives will advance the organizational goals.
  • Assess how success will be measured.
  • Evaluate the value this project will bring to the organization.
  • Identify project metrics, timelines, and responsible parties.
  • Develop a contingency plan for each of the potential risk factors for not meeting each of the project objectives.

Cite any sources according to APA guidelines.  

Apply: signature assignment: contingency plan and executive | BUS475 Integrated Business Topics | University of Phoenix

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