Business communication test 3 | Business & Finance homework help

Business communication test 3 | Business & Finance homework help.

Test over chapter 7,8,9 and 10 beginning on July 19

Chapter 7  

Be sure to look over slides 4-7, what does the term down editing refer to, how can you derail your career with email, when do you use email instead of a memo?  What is the difference in a wiki and a blog, what is crowdsourcing, how has social media changed communication in the business world, what is RSS

Once you complete chapter 7 begin reading chapter 8.

Be sure to read chapter 8 paying close attention to the following topics

-Types of positive messages including channels

-Proper order for creating a letter, i.e. opening, body closing etc.

-Proper way to create and respond to complaints online

-what is the difference in an adjustment and a claim

-what is goodwill and do goodwill messages differ from typical positive messages

Business communication test 3 | Business & Finance homework help

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