Cmr 108 essays 4: agency & employment law

Cmr 108 essays 4: agency & employment law.


If you have not done so already, please review the Module Overview, read the required readings, and watch the lectures/presentations.

These are three short essay questions. Answers can be found in the text and lecture notes. They are due on on Sunday night by 11:55pm.

Please use bullet points if appropriate. For example, if a question asks for three things, use this format to answer – 

  1. First point.
  2. Second point.
  3. Third point.


Question #1 (5 points): 

S&T Corporation retained Brooke to find sources of raw material for its products. List and explain the three types of contractual authority Brooke may have in her actions pertaining to her assignment. What is the contract liability for S&T and Brooke for each type of authority?

Question #2 (5 points):

Bart has been hired to do some work for Martini Enterprises.

1. What factors (from the textbook) would a court consider in determining if Bart is an employee or an independent contractor?

2. Why does the designation matter from a liability perspective?

Question #3 (5 points):

Jeri is a sales manager for Drip Faucets. She is about to have a baby and wants to file for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act.

  1. What information will you need to know to determine whether she is entitled to leave (note that we already know that she has a triggering event, i.e. being pregnant).
  2. If she is entitled to leave, what are Drip’s requirements with respect to what they have to do for her?
  3. How does the statute benefit and adversely impact Drip? (Note, this answer isn’t in the text. I am looking for your own thoughts.)

Cmr 108 essays 4: agency & employment law

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