Cmrj329 | Criminal homework help

Cmrj329 | Criminal homework help.

3 page essay 

Assignment Instructions

Progress Assignment

This written assignment consists of two essay questions. Students are expected to develop a 2-3 page essay, per question (excluding title and reference page). A minimum of 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly sources per question are to be utilized for the assignment. Sources should also be up-to-date (less than 10 years old). Direct quotes are not permitted.

Topic 1:  Distinguish between deductive and inductive criminal profiling and provide examples of each. Explain the role Locard’s Principle plays in criminal profiling. Why is Locard’s Principle important for the investigation of serial crimes such as homicide, sadistic sex crimes, and arson; explain?

Topic 2:  What differentiates a mass killer from a serial killer? How would you approach the profile of each? Provide examples of each.

Citations/References:  You must use APA 6th edition style for citations and reference listings. 

Abe, K. (2017). What is a serial killer? What is a mass murderer? How do they differ. European Journal of Academic Essays4(4), 187-198. Retrieved from

11 pages

Miller, L. (2014). Serial killers: I. Subtypes, patterns, and motives. Aggression and violent behavior19(1), 1-11.

11 pages

Taylor, S., Lambeth, D., Green, G., Bone, R., & Cahillane, M. A. (2012). Cluster Analysis Examination of Serial Killer Profiling Categories: A Bottom-Up Approach. Journal Of Investigative Psychology & Offender Profiling, 9(1), 30-51. doi:10.1002/jip.149

23 pages

White, J. H., Lester, D., Gentile, M., & Rosenbleeth, J. (2011). The utilization of forensic science and criminal profiling for capturing serial killers. Forensic Science International (Online), 209(1), 160-165. doi:

7 pages

Cmrj329 | Criminal homework help

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