Code of ethics and conduct: poor judgement

Code of ethics and conduct: poor judgement.


The purpose of this assignment is to understand how ethics and the law affect a variety of health care professions. The ethical code for each profession demands a high level of honesty, integrity, and responsibility. Professional behavior facilitates the resolution of ethical dilemmas, and each health care professional should have access to the board’s code of ethics regulating the specific profession. Personal behavior should be maintained at its highest standards, and health care professionals should comply with all governmental rules and regulations.

Read the “Poor Judgement” case study, located at the end of Chapter 9 of the textbook, and evaluate the ethical and legal issues in the case. In a 750- to 1,000-word reflection on the case study, address the following:

  • Examine the different ethical codes for health care professionals.
  • Compare prevailing ethical codes and principles.
  • Apply ethical codes and principles to health care situations.
  • Explain how to minimize bias and develop objectivity based on the different codes of ethics and codes of conduct.

Support the assignment with 2–3 scholarly resources.  

Code of ethics and conduct: poor judgement

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