Discussion 1: cognitive evaluation theory

Discussion 1: cognitive evaluation theory.


As is often the case, assumptions posited by theorists undergo rigorous examination by peers in their field. Researchers conduct studies whose findings support, refute, or deem as inconclusive a theory’s propositions. An examination of the development of cognitive evaluation theory (CET) (Deci, Cascio, & Krusell, 1975) reveals a controversial history.

Since its inception more than four decades ago, CET has been the focus of intense scrutiny. Researchers faced many challenges that influenced the evolution of CET. Serious questions were raised by a meta-analysis of studies on claims made by proponents of CET. Despite its shortcomings, Pinder (2008) maintains that some elements of CET cannot be readily dismissed since they are “consistent with various elements of other leading theories of work motivation” (p. 91).

For this Discussion, select two challenges that influenced the evolution of cognitive evaluation theory. Think about a current or previous job, and then consider some of the factors CET identifies that might have decreased or increased your intrinsic motivation. If you have never worked, consider factors that might have decreased or increased your intrinsic motivation in your degree program.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 a description of the two challenges you selected and explain how each influenced the evolution of cognitive evaluation theory. Then describe at least two factors that have facilitated or interfered with your intrinsic motivation at your current or previous job, and use CET to explain how.

Note: If you have never worked, describe at least two factors that have facilitated or interfered with your intrinsic motivation in your degree program, and use CET to explain how.

Discussion 1: cognitive evaluation theory

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