Due in 24 hours, 1pm est. decision making/business management

Due in 24 hours, 1pm est. decision making/business management.


read FOUR of your classmates posts and give them constructive feedback as to whether they have clearly defined their statement as delineated in the class materials. Be sure that the feedback is constructive and that you are actually brainstorming with them to come up with valid arguments on what they have written and is the best one for PPO. Provide feedback to your classmates. Your job is to argue the logic presented in the content and support (facts from case study or citations from the course material) provided in the posts.

Must refer to the attachments. The original questions is attached, the student posts are attached, the case study is attached and another document is attached for further understanding.

THIRD PERSON, which means do not use “I, me, my” in your responses. Use headers to organize your response. At minimum for each response, Must use atleast 1 references with website included, with in text citation from the course material provided below APA FORMAT FROM THE COURSE MATERIAL


Course Material

· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7pp7xT4rVc

· http://www.structureddecisionmaking.org/steps/step4consequences/consequences3/

· https://www.homeworkmarket.com/questions/due-in-24-hours-745pm-estandard-standard-time-decision-makingbusiness-management-homework-assignment

· http://www.structureddecisionmaking.org/steps/objectives/

· http://www.structureddecisionmaking.org/steps/step3alternatives/

Due in 24 hours, 1pm est. decision making/business management

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