Essay | Literature homework help

Essay | Literature homework help.

For this project assignment, you will submit your Literary Analysis paper on the assigned novel selected for the course, which should focus on three or more elements of fiction to show how this novel is an example of modern literature in both theme and style. Please review the literary terms explored in this course. These will help you to develop the ideas and concepts you chose to examine in your paper.

Technical Requirements:

  • 6-7 pages in length, not including cover page and references page
  • Use the APA template with APA cover and References page attached
  • Use a minimum of 5 outside resources, in addition to the textbook
  • At least three of the five resources need to be from the Rasmussen Online Library. The remaining articles should be from credible sources.


HFor this final project assignment, you should visit the Course Project tab in the LIT3382 Modern World Literature Course Guide. There you will find a link to the Literary Analysis Guide with information to help you to write a literary analysis paper. The Writing Guide and APA Guide may also assist you with the writing requirements. You can access the course guide in your Module 01 course tab.

Essay | Literature homework help

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