Ethically, what went wrong? | Social Science homework help

Ethically, what went wrong? | Social Science homework help.

Review the Summers text, pp. 71–75. Choose two hypothetical practice situations under “Ethically, What Went Wrong?” You will respond to two chosen ethical situations with a detailed, well thought-out post. You should try to choose situations that have not been chosen by your colleagues. 

Post the number associated with your chosen situation and a brief description. Then answer the following questions: What was done in your chosen situations that was unethical? What is at least one example for each situation of how the person acting unethically could have handled the situation more ethically? Please be specific and support your conclusions by citing the course resources AND at least ONE peer-reviewed resource (i.e., journal article, professional organization website, etc.).


Summers, N. (2016). Fundamentals of case management practice: Skills for the human services (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.Chapter 2, “Ethics and Other Professional Responsibilities for Human Services Workers” (pp. 33–76)Chapter 4, “Cultural Competence” (pp. 95–115)Chapter 5, “Attitudes and Boundaries” (pp. 117–138

)Read the entire code of ethics for the professional organization to which you most closely align (pp. 19–20 of Evans, Hearn, Uhlemann, & Ivey). If you are not sure which organization’s code of ethics to select, please review the National Organization for Human Services ethical standards, available at

Ethically, what went wrong? | Social Science homework help

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