Gtpal assignment | Maternal Child Health Nursing | Rasmussen College System

Gtpal assignment | Maternal Child Health Nursing | Rasmussen College System.


GTPAL stand for: gravida, term, preterm, abortions, living

Gravida: how many pregnancies a woman has had. Term how many pregnancies delivered that have reached or surpassed 37 weeks. 

Term: deliver at 37 or greater weeks

Preterm: how many pregnancies between 20-37 (actually 36 and 6/7) wks

Abortion: pregnancy loss at less than 20 weeks. Abortions may also be induced by physicians or spontaneously.

Living: how many children are living now?: 

***Multiple births (twins, triplets and higher multiples) count as one birth

1. This is mom’s 1st pregnancy:

2. 2nd pregnancy and she had an AB at 8 wks for the 1st pregnancy 

3. 3rd pregnancy. 1st pregnancy delivered at 38 and 2nd pregnancy was twins delivered at 29 wks. 1 of those children died. 

4. 2nd pregnancy. Delivered twins at 37 wks both live pregnancy. 

5. 3rd pregnancy. Delivered triplets at 28 wks and 2 of the babies survived. Had an elective AB at 6 wks. 

6. This is a woman’s 5 pregnancies,  births at 41 week, 39 5/7 weeks, 38 6/7 and 36 5/7 weeks 1 induced abortion at 10 weeks , and 4 living children at this time. 

7. a pregnant woman who carried one pregnancy to term with a surviving infant; carried one pregnancy to 35 weeks with surviving twins; carried one pregnancy to 9 weeks as an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy; and has 3 living children would have a GTPAL annotation of? 

8. A woman who has given birth at term once and has had one miscarriage at 12 weeks would be recorded as?


This assignment is worth 5 points. 1 point for APA and style of paper. 

.5 point for each of the eight cases. Partial points are not awarded if you get part of a case incorrect you get the whole case incorrect.  Use page 259 in your text book for further details. Explain your rationale. Demonstrations will be done in class. 

Gtpal assignment | Maternal Child Health Nursing | Rasmussen College System

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