High level design for an sme network and vpn services

High level design for an sme network and vpn services.

There are two areas to consider for VPN network design in this assignment

1. Design a network for an SME

2. Build VPN services for the users

Contents must include:

· Introduction

· Scopes and Limitations

· Requirements (Network parts and VPN service parts)

· Solution Design

a. Logical Design

b. Physical Design

c. Network Topologies

d. IP addressing

e. Security features and Policies

f. Redundancy and Failover plans

g. VPN service implementation

· Refer the sample document included in below for network design, and consider how to implement VPN services onto the network. Do not copy the contents of the sample in your work as it is regarded as plagiarism.


Section to be included in the   report

Detailed Description of the   Criteria


1. Template and   format: The document   should include all necessary headings and contents to depict a VPN services   and network design as per the example provided.


2. Requirements: Multiple Figures   and Tables need to be included to properly show the requirements development.   There must be a section for ‘compliance’ check so that vendors can properly   reply to the requirements.


3. Solutions: This section   should include proper headings and contents to propose a solution for a VPN   network. 

Wireless LAN   solution needs to be included.


4. VPN service   configurations: VPN services   implemented and configured shall include screenshots with proper explanation   and configurations


5. In body citation: Strictly follow the order   and instruction by IEEE. Check when/where to put the citation. See attached   files and search the internet for guidelines


6. References section: Check whether they follow   the instruction. Otherwise, no marks will be provided


7. Presentation: Presentation skills and   materials quality

High level design for an sme network and vpn services

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