instructional strategies | Education homework help

instructional strategies | Education homework help.

Based on the students in the “Class Profile” grade levels and the informational text you chose, select two of the six main instructional strategies to be utilized within the lesson plan that you began in Topic 1. Utilize strategies that facilitate the development of critical thinking and problem solving.

Provide opportunities for active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction among your students within each of your lessons. Include a grouping strategy on the “Instruction” template.

With the instructional strategies included in the “I Do” section, provide a bulleted script (100-250 words) for each instructional strategy that explains what you will say and do during the lesson. The script should include 4-5 DOK questions based on your selected informational text. These questions should align with your learning objective. You may use any of the DOK questions that you have already created.

Each “I Do” entry should have corresponding “Students Do” and “Differentiation” entries. Use specific examples from the “Class Profile” to describe how the activities in the lesson would be differentiated.

Submit this template to your instructor for feedback.

GCU format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Use The following bellow : 

1. the Template attached to fill the Strategy

2 .link- (page 94)

3. Rubic as guide

4 instuction overview below-

The assignment this week asks you to label and use 2 different instructional strategies to deliver your instruction for DAY 1 of your mini-unitConsider these types of instruction. You will need to use 2 instructional strategies for each day of instruction in your mini-unit. After viewing my Topic 5 Announcement and the website in the Course Materials titled, Instructional Strategies Online, which two strategies will you use in DAY 1 of your lesson plans this week? What about Day 2, and 3? (The strategies are listed in the Tabs at the top of the website). Here is the official list of strategies: Direct Instruction, Indirect Instruction, Collaborative Learning, Experiential Learning, Independent Study, and Interactive Instruction. Make sure you label them specifically on your template – in the “I Do” sections.


Day 1



Day 2



Day 3



How did you select the order of these instructional strategies? Make sure you are allowing for higher level thinking and less scaffolding (teacher-student assistance) by the end of the third day of your mini-unit.



instructional strategies | Education homework help

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