Liberty university busi 530 exam 1

Liberty university busi 530 exam 1.


[Solved] Liberty University BUSI 530 Exam 1

Liberty University BUSI530 Exam 1

Financial managers should only accept investment projects that:

Multiple Choice


increase the current profits of the firm.


can increase the firm’s market share.


earn a higher rate of return than the firm currently earns on its existing projects.

Item 2

Item 2 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

Unlimited liability is faced by the owners of:

Multiple Choice




partnerships and corporations.


sole proprietorships and general partnerships.



all forms of business organization.

Item 3

3/3 points awarded


Item 3

Item 3 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

The term “capital structure” refers to:

Multiple Choice


the mix of long-term debt and equity financing.



the length of time needed to repay debt.


whether or not the firm invests in capital budgeting projects.


the types of assets a firm acquires.

Item 4

0/3 points awarded


Item 4

Item 4 0 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

Which of the following appears to be the most appropriate goal for corporate management?


Maximizing market value of the company’s shares



Maximizing the company’s market share


Maximizing the current profits of the company —ANSWER INCORRECT



Minimizing the company’s liabilities

Item 5

One continuing problem with managerial incentive compensation plans is that:


the plans increase agency problems.


managers prefer guaranteed salaries.


their effectiveness is difficult to evaluate.


•             the plans do not reward shareholders.

3/3 points awarded


Item 6

Item 6 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

In a partnership form of organization, income tax liability, if any, is incurred by:

Multiple Choice


the partnership itself.


the partners individually.



both the partnership and the partners.


neither the partnership nor the partners.

Item 7

3/3 points awarded


Item 7

Item 7 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

A board of directors is elected as a representative of the corporation’s:

Multiple Choice


top management.








Item 8

3/3 points awarded


Item 8

Item 8 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

Which one of the following statements is not characteristic of mutual funds?

Multiple Choice


They are always considered to be financial institutions.



They raise money by selling shares to investors.


They pool the savings of many investors.


They offer professional management and portfolio diversification.

Item 9

Item 9 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

A capital investment that generates a 10% rate of return is worthwhile if:

Multiple Choice


corporate bonds of similar risk offer 8% rates of return.



corporate bonds of similar risk offer 11% rates of return.


top-quality corporate bonds offer 10% rates of return.


the expected rate of return on the stock market is 12%.

Item 10

3/3 points awarded


Item 10

Item 10 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

Which one of the following is least liquid?

Multiple Choice


Foreign currency


U.S. Treasury bonds


Real estate



Bank deposit

Item 11

3/3 points awarded


Item 11

Item 11 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

Which one of these enterprises generally acts as an underwriter for an initial public offering?

Multiple Choice


Commercial bank




Investment bank



Insurance company

Item 12

Item 12 0 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

Foreign currencies are traded:


only by banks in New York and London.


over the counter.



on both the NYSE and NASDAQ.

•             on the Intercontinental Exchange.

Item 13

Item 13 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

If Apple Computer Inc. is used as the model, then new firms should expect to raise capital in which one of these orders? Start with the first money raised.

Multiple Choice


Owners, venture capitalists, suppliers, public investors


Owners, suppliers, venture capitalists, public investors



Venture capitalists, owners, public investors, suppliers


Owners, public investors, venture capitalists, suppliers

Item 14

Item 14 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

Which one of these parties cannot invest in a hedge fund?

Multiple Choice


Small retail investors



Pension funds


Insurance companies


Wealthy individuals

Item 15

3/3 points awarded


Item 15

Item 15 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

In a statement of cash flows, which category includes depreciation expense as a line item?

Multiple Choice


Cash provided by operations.



Cash flows from investments.


Cash provided by (used for) financing activities.


Current liabilities.

Item 16

3/3 points awarded


Item 16

Item 16 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

Current period depreciation expense is listed:

Multiple Choice


on the balance sheet.


in the investment section of the cash flow statement.


on the income statement.



on neither the balance sheet nor the income statement; it is a noncash expense.

Item 17

3/3 points awarded


Item 17

Item 17 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

Interest expense appears in the operations section of the statement of cash flows because:

Multiple Choice


firms cannot operate without incurring interest expense.


its payment is not within managerial discretion.



it is paid to finance a firm’s inventory.


none of the options; interest expense appears in the financing section of the statement of cash flows.

Item 18

Item 18 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

In general, what is changing as you read down the left-hand side of a balance sheet?

Multiple Choice


The assets are becoming more fully depreciated.


The assets are increasing in value.


The assets are increasing in maturity.


The assets are becoming less liquid.


Item 19

What is the marginal corporate tax rate for large companies?

Multiple Choice










Item 20

Item 20 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

The income statement resembles a snapshot of the firm at a specific time.

True or False

True False Correct

Item 21

Item 21 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

The purchase of new equipment is a use of cash, and it reduces the firm’s net cash balance.

True or False

True Correct False

Item 22

Item 22 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

There is generally a bigger difference between the book value and the market value of fixed assets as compared to cash.

True or False

True Correct False

Item 23

Item 23 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

A deficiency of the standard measures of liquidity is that the measures:

Multiple Choice


ignore a firm’s reserve borrowing capacity.



fail to include accounts receivable as an asset.


give inventories equal weighting in the quick ratio.


do not include the current portions of long-term debt.

Item 24

Item 24 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

Efficiency ratios:

Multiple Choice


include the quick ratio, asset turnover ratio, and return on equity.


are used to measure how well the company uses its assets.



are used to measure how liquid the company is.


measure the profits generated by a firm’s equity and assets.

Item 25

Item 25 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

An asset turnover ratio of 1.75 can be interpreted as:

Multiple Choice


$1.75 in sales are generated by every $1 of assets.



$1.75 in additional assets are generated by every $1 of sales.


$1.75 in assets are used to generate $1 of sales.


$1 in sales are used to generate $1.75 in assets.

Item 26

Item 26 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

High levels of liquidity may indicate:

Multiple Choice


low levels of net working capital.


low profit margins.


high levels of economic value added.


inefficient use of assets.


Item 27

Item 27 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

In the past year, TVG had revenues of $3 million, cost of goods sold of $2.5 million, and depreciation expense of $200,000. The firm has a single issue of debt outstanding with a face value of $1million, market value of $.92 million, and a coupon rate of 8%. What is the firm’s times interest earned ratio?

Multiple Choice










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Item 28

Item 28 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

Return on assets is always a larger number than the return on equity.

True or False

True False Correct

Item 29

3/3 points awarded


Item 29

Item 29 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

Which of the following actions could improve a firm’s current ratio if it is now less than 1.0?

Multiple Choice


Converting marketable securities to cash


Paying accounts payable with cash


Buying inventory on credit



Selling inventory at cost

Item 30

Item 30 3 of 3 points awarded Item Scored

The higher the times interest earned ratio, the higher the interest expense. False

Liberty university busi 530 exam 1

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