Safe and effective care of the aging population

Safe and effective care of the aging population.

   1. Analyze the challenges anatomical and physiological changes in the aging individual have on providing safe and effective care
2. Conclude the health outcomes of the health promotion, disease prevention, and early detection and treatment of diseases
3. Organize an interdisciplinary plan of care for the aging client
4. Advocate for the protection of the aging population in the conduct of research
5. Uphold ethical standards related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and clients’ right to privacy. 

You will perform a research and appraisal of existing evidence related to challenges to the safe and effective care of the aging population in the context of global health.  Select an aging population from another country, provide life expectancy, new disease patterns, longer lives, disabilities, cost of aging, health care, work, and the changing role of the family.

Examples: China, England, India, Cuba, Russia, Alaska, Germany, Italy, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Pacific Coast Islanders, Japan, France, Haiti, Canada.

Minimum 500 words

APA style

More than 3 references no older than 5 years 

Safe and effective care of the aging population

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