Steve jobs organizational vision and culture kim wood

Steve jobs organizational vision and culture kim wood.

MBA 550 Final Project Part II Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric The milestone assignments will provide you with the opportunity to reflect on four organizational scenarios to demonstrate your understanding of leadership in organizational behavior. These assignments are designed to develop your skills in analyzing various organizational leadership situations dealing with skills assessment, team-building, vision and culture, problem-solving, and conflict management. Prompt: For Milestone Two: Organizational Vision and Culture, you will submit a short paper or presentation identifying your chosen leader’s organizational vision, how your chosen leader developed the organization’s strategic plan, and what methods you would recommend for the strategic plan that were not employed by the leader. Then, analyze evidence of the leader’s personal, political, and positional power, assessing how the leader used that power to structure the organization, thus creating its culture. Use the research on your chosen leader and the text to analyze best practices of how leaders structure the organization and build, plan, and staff effective executive teams for organizational success. Identify at least two examples of strategic planning methods used by the chosen leader to align teams with organizational vision and the appropriate tools and methods to develop the organization’s strategic plan. Analyze evidence of the leader’s use of personal, political, and positional power as tools to structure the organization for effecting change in organizational culture. Apply the leader’s use of business strategies as personal, political, and power tools to effect change in organizational culture. You will be evaluated on the identification and summary of your chosen leader’s organizational vision; examples and analysis of how your chosen leader developed the organization’s strategic plan (methods); inclusion of your opinion and research on methods you would recommend for the strategic plan not chosen by the leader in his or her planning process; critical thinking applied to your work product; and the articulation of your response in the writing process. Guidelines for Submission: Your homework must be in APA style. Include a separate title and reference page, an introduction, subheadings, and a conclusion. The requirements for this assignment are 2 to 4 pages in length (not including title and reference pages), double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, oneinch margins, and at least two discipline-appropriate citations. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions. 

Steve jobs organizational vision and culture kim wood

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