Wellness assessment and plan paper

Wellness assessment and plan paper.

Having learned last module/week about the incidence and risk of impairment for professional counselors, this module/week you will assess your own risks and develop a personal wellness plan. Begin by taking the following assessments:

• Stress Reactions Inventory

• Self-Care Assessment, Self-Care Life Pie Worksheet, and Self-Care Social Support Worksheet.

Please reference and use APA format…please see attachments to complete the assignment

Divide your paper into the sections listed below, addressing each question found in the sections. Your paper must be in current APA format (including a title page as well as an abstract and reference page). The abstract must provide a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article in 150–250 words. Note: The title page, abstract, and reference page do not contribute toward the page requirement. 

Personal Assessment

• What were your results of the Stress Reactions Inventory? In what ways do you see your results reflecting your current life?

• What were your results of the Self-Care Assessment, Self-Care Life Pie Worksheet, and Self-Care Social Support Worksheet? In what ways do you see your results reflecting your current life?

This section must be 2–4 pages.

Wellness Strategies

Looking at your results of the afore-mentioned assessments:

• What areas of your life need more or less attention? 

• What changes do you need to make? 

• What steps are you willing to take to reach your goal of implementing needed changes?

This section must be 2–4 pages.

Wellness assessment and plan paper

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