Wk2 dq – financial management

Wk2 dq – financial management.


Please answer each of the following questions in detail and provide in-text citations in support of your argument. Include examples whenever applicable.

1. Explain the major financial ratios and financial cycles, debt ratio, debt to equity ratio, return on assets, return on equity, current ratio, quick ratio, inventory turnover, days in inventory, accounts receivable turnover, accounts receivable cycle in days, accounts payable turnover, accounts payable cycle in days, earnings per share (EPS), price to earnings ratio (P/E), and cash conversion cycle (CCC) and state the significance of each for financial management. Include examples based on a hypothetical balance sheet and income statement. 

2. Can CCC be negative? If so, what does it indicate?

3. Explain working capital and its significance. Evaluate working capital in your example given in part “a” of this DQ2.



1. Define the words in your own words. Do not directly quote from the textbook.

2. Need to write at least 2 paragraphs

3. Need to include the information from the textbook as the reference.

4. Need to include at least 2 peer-reviewed articles as the reference.

5. Need to provide examples whenever applicable.

6. Please find the related PowerPoint and textbook in the attachment. 

7. Please answer each of the following questions in detail and provide in-text citations in support of your argument. Include examples whenever applicable.

8. Please find the Course Learning Outcome list of this course in the attachment 

Textbook Information:

Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., & Jordan, R. D. (2018). Fundamentals of corporate finance (12th ed.). McGraw-Hill

ISBN: 9781259918957

Wk2 dq – financial management

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