1. define and describe the three types of dehydration and

1. define and describe the three types of dehydration and.


1.      Define and describe the three types of dehydration and potential causes.

2.      Differentiate between mild, moderate, and severe dehydration.

3.      What are different treatments for each type of dehydration based on the CDC guidelines and Up to Date?

4.      Identify and demonstrate teaching strategies with the parent and child. [Be familiar with oral rehydration and diets for children with fluid and electrolyte imbalances.]

5.      Research rotavirus. Who is primarily affected? What are the signs and symptoms? How is the virus transmitted? What is the treatment?

6.      Are there any isolation precautions for rotavirus? If so, how long does the patient require isolation?

7.      What are three ways to prevent the spread of rotavirus that you could teach to the parents of a pediatric patient.

1. define and describe the three types of dehydration and

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