Dnp-patient outcomes and sustainable change

Dnp-patient outcomes and sustainable change.

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I need between 100-120 words for each question

1) Utilize the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) website to examine the criteria that a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) must meet to be credentialed. What is the value of the PCMH to patient outcomes? How does the NCQA website help you define and measure the results of your DPI Project intervention on patient outcomes? Provide examples and literature support.

2) What are some of the current assessment tools to improve patient understanding and adherence to prescribed treatment? What assessment tools are available to determine a level of health literacy and how can these tools help improve patient outcomes? Provide examples and literature support.

3) Discuss effective means for translating and disseminating research by discussing the role of the DPI Project (Quality Improvement) and the opportunities for its dissemination. Include a discussion of the role of inter-professional collaboration. Provide examples and literature support.

4) Discuss recent health care innovations in your practice and your role in implementation. Provide examples and literature support.

Dnp-patient outcomes and sustainable change

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