Human development and growth case study

Human development and growth case study.

Case study question: Dylan (age 45, Caucasian) is a heroin addict who has been in and out of rehab facilities and prison since he was 17; he has a 1 year old daughter with a women he dated for a few months, but he is not allowed contact due to his unreliable behavior and constant drug use. He dropped out of high school when he was 17, after the first failed attempt at in-patient treatment. Dylan engages in other drug use – prescription pills, marijuana, and cocaine – but prefers heroin and other opioid-based drugs. Dylan has a twin brother, Daniel (age 45, Caucasian) who is a happily married father of three and owns his own graphic design firm. The parents, Harriet and William (ages 70 and 72, Caucasian) both report being invested and supportive of both of their sons’ interests (i.e. football, photography) during childhood and adolescence as Harriet was a stay-at-home mother and William emphasized family by working a lot from home during the boys’ childhood. They grew-up in a middle class suburb with the Neighborhood Watch and regular neighborhood gatherings. Harriet reports that Dylan struggled with change and seemed anxious with any new situation, whereas Daniel was very adaptable and rolled with any situation. 


For this assignment, you are to select one of the provided case studies and analyze it using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory. When analyzing the case study, you will address each level of the theory and indicate how factors from within the system impacted the development and outcome of the individual within the case study.

Research will be crucial to help create your argument for why you think the case study person ended up the way that they did. You will need at least three (3) scholarly sources from peer-reviewed publications, such as academic journals, books, and textbooks. In-text citations and the reference page need to be presented in APA format.

Other requirements: 3-4 pages in length (cover and reference pages NOT included); APA formatting (abstract and running head are NOT required).

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Human development and growth case study

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