Madm751 skill builder | Management homework help

Madm751 skill builder | Management homework help.

INSTRUCTIONS: This is a writing assignment that covers the assigned materials (readings, videos, lectures, etc.) for Weeks 1 and 2. Download the Skill Builder #1 assignment template (the link is found below), then write your answers directly into that template (it is a WORD file). Write a minimum of 100 words for each question. Save your changes, then rename the WORD document file as follows: LASTNAME_SB1.docx (your last name followed by an underscore, then the SB1 indication). Then upload the completed assignment to Moodle. This is a TURNITIN assignment on Moodle, which means that when you submit it, you will be submitting it to TURNITIN, and thus receive an originality report indicating possible plagiarism or cheating (there have been problems in the past with students copying the work from past students, or copying from materials previously posted on the internet). Remember, you may only obtain a TURNITIN Originality Report once every 24 hours; so allow yourself plenty of time to resubmit if necessary.

For Skill Builder assignments, focus on thoughts and reasoning rather than spelling and grammar. This is a Socratic exercise – an opportunity for you to think and express your thoughts. This assignment is a reflection of the degree to which you are engaged in the course material, and how well you learned the topics assigned this week. The emphasis of this assignment is synthesis – the connecting of dots – where you tie together in a meaningful way (1) the assigned readings and videos, (2) current business and world events, and (3) your previous knowledge and experience. There is no correct or incorrect answer, but rather YOUR answer, based on YOUR thoughts and understanding of the material/concepts. Please avoid trying to answer what others would say, or copy what someone else has thought or written. There are three fundamental mistakes students often make on these assignments: (1) simply rambling unsupported opinions or simply listing the topics assigned this week, (2) failing to apply one’s personal perspective (i.e. writing as if it were a research paper, with no personal perspective applied), and (3) failing to incorporate all the assigned materials for the week (which demonstrates that the student decided to skip some of the readings and other assigned materials).

What is Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Nightmare [8 min]

Entrepreneurship as Franchising [2 min]

Entrepreneurial Archetypes [6 min]

Entrepreneurship as Innovation 

Madm751 skill builder | Management homework help

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