Multiple questions answers | Accounting homework help

Multiple questions answers | Accounting homework help.

1) Boxer Corporation buys equipment in January of the current year with a 7-year class life for $15,000. The corporation expensed the $15,000 under Sec. 179. The deduction in the year of purchase for E&P purposes due to the acquisition and expensing of the equipment is
A. $3,000 
B. $14,000 
C. $15,000 
D. $1,500 

2) Identify which of the following statements is false.
A. The function of E&P is to provide a measure of a corporation’s economic ability to pay dividends. 
B. At formation, a corporation’s E&P depends on the amount of capital contributed by the shareholders. 
C. Adjustments to taxable income when computing E&P do not include tax exempt interest. 
D. For E&P dividend distribution purposes, property as defined in Sec. 317(a) includes money. 

3) Identify which of the following statements is true.
A. Section 179 property must be expensed ratably over a 5-year period when computing E&P. 
B. Losses on property sales to related parties are not deductible when computing E&P. 
C. Distributions made out of accumulated E&P are allocated ratably between multiple distributions made during the tax year. 
D. All are false. 

4) Current E&P does not include
A. tax-exempt interest income 
B. life insurance proceeds where the corporation is the beneficiary 
C. federal income tax refunds from prior years 
D. All of the these are included 

Multiple questions answers | Accounting homework help

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