Need discussion for eng 125 introduction to literature | ENG 125 Introduction to Literature | Ashford University

Need discussion for eng 125 introduction to literature | ENG 125 Introduction to Literature | Ashford University.

Part 1 – Answer the following questions about either “Wild Geese” or “The Red Wheelbarrow” poems based on your reading of them: 

Part 2 –

Describe your listening experience of the same poem you wrote about above. If you are unable to listen to these poems due to an auditory impairment, please reach out to your instructor for an alternative prompt for this discussion. Respond to at least two of the following questions:

  • How did your hearing the poem recited aloud compare to your silent reading of it?
  • Did the performance highlight certain words or phrases that were not as apparent in a silent reading?
  • Did the pace change and, if so, how did it change your understanding of the poem?
  • Did words have different connotations when spoken aloud, and, if so, what kinds of connotation did you associate with the poem?
  • Do you think reading poetry aloud is a worthwhile endeavor when analyzing it? Why, or why not?
  • Your initial post that includes parts one and two should be at least 200 words.

Need discussion for eng 125 introduction to literature | ENG 125 Introduction to Literature | Ashford University

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