Performance, compensation, and rewards presentation | CPMGT/301 | University of Phoenix

Performance, compensation, and rewards presentation | CPMGT/301 | University of Phoenix.


Create a 7- to 9-slide presentation using the scenario from your Week 2 Individual assignment (this is total slides for everything in the submission do not go over 9 total slides) in which you include the following:

  • Intro and summary slide are required….note the intro slide is not your title slide. The Intro slide tells me what the presentation will contain/the outline.
  • Discuss three measurements you would use to measure performance for the project.  NOTE:  These are perfromance measure to be used as measurements during the project…not after the project has been delievered.    There is no “book” answer for these, it is what you come up with as to how you would measure performance on your project. 
  • Determine appropriate financial compensation AND rewards for the project team; explain your rationale for selecting the financial compensation and rewards.
  • Outline a human resource plan for the project in the scenario.
  • Include typed (not audio) speaker notes on each slide.
  • The presentation includes relevant media/visuals/pictures/etc that are consistent with the content.  In other words do not just have words on the slides….make it look good.  Also when you put words on slides use bullets; do not use sentences/paragraphs on a slide.

Performance, compensation, and rewards presentation | CPMGT/301 | University of Phoenix

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