Plain language discussion | Reading homework help

Plain language discussion | Reading homework help.

Please read Chapter 11: Designing Print and Online Documents in Technical Communication, the textbook that is linked in the left menu. This assignment has two parts, one focused on print documents and one on online documents.

Print: Compare two documents using PL principles on the sentence level and on the document design level. These are before and after documents so you already know one is better than the other. I want you to identify specific instances where PL principles have been applied. Some of the instances are obvious and do not need to be restated in each posting.

Online: For the second part of the discussion please visit Last week I sent an internship posting to all MSTC students from the New York Office of Justice Initiatives. Here is the wording from their internship posting: “The Office for Justice Initiatives is currently seeking student interns to assist with updating content on CourtHelp is an information portal, that provides court users with information about the law in plain language and is also home to points of access for useful resources.” Wander around the website and offer some specific changes based on PL principles. Include the link to the page or pages in which you are suggesting changes.

Plain language discussion | Reading homework help

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