Powerpoint assignment: leadership (read carefully)

Powerpoint assignment: leadership (read carefully).

In a 16–20 slide PowerPoint presentation (excluding title and reference slides) provide information as well as analyze the roles of the following areas in criminal justice leadership strategies and practices:

  • Organizational culture
  • Behavioral theory
  • Planning
  • Community relations

Your presentation should include, at a minimum, 4 slides, with speaker notes, for each topic. Each slide should have 4-6 bullet points on them to keep them professional and clean looking.

You will need to use a minimum of 3 academic sources. Use Google Scholar, JSTOR, textbooks, and/or .gov websites to keep the true academic sources in your papers. TURNITIN MUST BE UNDER 20% Make sure to write a few sentences discussing how you evaluated the credibility of your sources. 

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Powerpoint assignment: leadership (read carefully)

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