Project | Accounting homework help

Project | Accounting homework help.

1.) Define Project Charter (per PMBOK 6th Edition and course text book).

2.) Explain in-depth the following key elements/components of the project charter (what they are, why they are used, how they are developed, importance, etc.):

i. stakeholder list,j. team operating principals,k. milestones,l. communication planm. project risk planning, n. assumptions, o. constraints p. organization and implementation plan.

part 2

1.) What critical take-aways in the development process of a project charter would you incorporate into the role of a Project Manager? 2.) Highlight specific components of the project charter that may be most critical to the overall success of the entire project plan.3.) Discuss preferred methods for stakeholder engagement throughout the project charter process and into project planning.

Project | Accounting homework help

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