Social policy reform : power point presentation

Social policy reform : power point presentation.


Learning outcome 1: Identify how human service administrators can effectively advocate for their clients and their agency and why this is necessary.

Learning outcome 2: Determine appropriate action steps to create a policy proposal.

Learning outcome 6: Create a policy/advocacy project addressing the cost effectiveness and 

efficacy for a chosen population.

NOTE: The advocacy project will be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation 

with audio

Imagine you are an agency director faced with potential threats to your 

organization. You may utilize the human service issue of Child Support as the problem basis.

. You’ve learned about policy practice and advocacy. Now, 

you must activate a plan to protect your organization!!!

·Utilize the six-step policy analysis framework, determine the steps 

necessary to address the identified human service issue.

·Identify the stakeholders and why they are essential to the policy 

development process.

·Don’t forget staff, community leaders, and administration.

·Create the mission statement.

·Discuss types of services/programs


·Discuss presenting and defending strategies

Social policy reform : power point presentation

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