Sociology questions | Sociology homework help

Sociology questions | Sociology homework help.


After reading chapter 1, respond to questions below. In this chapter, Freire includes some theories and terminology credited to Marx: historical materialism and false consciousness. Also, he weaves in Marx’s critique of capitalism. If you need a refresher on these concepts, please click on links below. You studied Karl Marx and his theories in SOCI 350: History of Sociological Thought.

1. What is the difference between dehumanization and humanization? 

2. According to Freire, how does oppression dehumanize oppressors and oppressed people? 

3. According to Freire, what is false generosity? What is its role in the dehumanization of oppressed people? 

4. According to Freire, how must education be reconfigured for it to be beneficial to the emancipation of oppressed people? 

5. Identify and briefly explain the two stages of pedagogy of the oppressed. 

6. What is Freire’s philosophy on the meaning of being fully human? 

7. Define false consciousness. 

8. According to Freire, how do oppressed individuals and oppressors experience false consciousness? 

9. Define praxis. 

10. Discuss how the new form of education and praxis have the propensity to fight for liberation. 

11. According to Freire, what occurs in the initial struggle for liberation? 

12. How does Freire describe true liberation? Why do you think he describes true liberation in this manner? 

13. What is the first step in dismantling systematic oppression of the poor in society? Why do you think Freire identifies this action as step one? 

14. Identify and briefly explain the five characteristics of the oppressed consciousness that hinder oppressed individuals in their quest for liberation and keep them in their submissive states. 

15. Once oppressed individuals develop the ability to look at their situation with historical perspective, they realize that their situation is not a fixed reality and they possess the power to change their reality. What is the term for the process whereby oppressed individuals develop the class consciousness necessary to dismantle an oppressive social structure?

Sociology questions | Sociology homework help

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