Week 3 discussion | World history homework help

Week 3 discussion | World history homework help.


Week 3 Discussion  Hayden, Mozart, the Enlightenment, and Child Prodigies:  Please answer all of the following questions as part of your initial post and then reply to at least one classmate.  

  • Listen to one (1) composition (for a symphony) by Haydn or Mozart. Identify the work that you listened to, then tell us  how a computer could write better music see http://newatlas.com/creative-artificial-intelligence-computer-algorithmic-music/35764/ 
  • Mozart was considered a child prodigy, performing throughout Europe.  Cite your views on child stars and explain the impact of early success on a person with exceptional talent by mentioning a modern child star or genius (math or science or computers) whose rise and fall mirrors Mozart’s. Look over these power points about Mozart’s life to see what happened to him.


  •   Read over your classmates’ posts and try to chose a star no one else has selected.

Classical Music and computer music links

Week 3 discussion | World history homework help

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