You are a high school counselor. maria is a 12th grade student who

You are a high school counselor. maria is a 12th grade student who.

You are a high school counselor. Maria is a 12th grade student who has just moved to the U.S. from Spain because her parents passed away. She is living with her cousin, who is currently on free and reduced lunch. Your school has a very small Hispanic population, and you have little experience with Hispanic students. Maria knows very little English, yet she is required to be a part of the mainstreamed classes because an “English as a Second Language” class is not available. Maria is also pregnant. In fact, there has been a recent increase in teenage pregnancy at your high school. Please cover all the points/questions noted below in your original posting.


  • As Maria’s professional school counselor, how would you assist her with issues that have personal, emotional, developmental, cultural, and spiritual/religious ramifications?
  • Specifically identify strategies, programs, and practices that advocate for social justice and academic success for Maria.
  • Identify how you would use collaboration and consultation to work with students, teachers, parents, and community agencies to reduce the recent increase in teenage pregnancy at your school.
  • Briefly, compare and contrast the 3 models of consultation presented in the Erford text, and identify the model that you would apply to address the issue of teenage pregnancy in your school and why?
  • What are the ethical and legal considerations in this case?

You are a high school counselor. maria is a 12th grade student who

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