Cjt discussion | Criminal homework help

Cjt discussion | Criminal homework help.


The defendant and his wife argued. She raised a knife above her head and stated, “Don’t make me use this.” The defendant took the knife away and thereafter stabbed the victim forty-three times in the head and chest with it. The defendant wants to make an imperfect self-defense argument. Will you accept or reject the case? Read State v. Perez, 840 P.2d 1118 (1992). The case is available at this link: Link (Links to an external site.)

You are required to post an initial discussion post, answering the entire discussion question or questions no later than 11:59 p.m. Wednesday of the discussion week. Students must respond to the discussion posts of at least two of their classmates, no later than 11:59 p.m. Sunday of the discussion week.

All initial posts should reference the textbook, Criminal Law & Procedure, and, at least one outside source. All sources must be cited using APA guidelines. Posts received after 11:59 p.m. Sunday of the discussion week will be subject to a reduction in points.

Cjt discussion | Criminal homework help

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