Discussion criminal justice | Psychology homework help

Discussion criminal justice | Psychology homework help.


Discussion topics support this unit’s objective and should be completed after reading all materials. Your responses ought to include original evaluation, synthesis, or analysis of the topic, and contribute to the weekly discussion in a meaningful way. You must complete all discussion topics and reply to your peers’ posts. Refer to the Discussion Board Rubric under Course Resources for additional requirements.

Read the following article.

Hendrie, Edward M. (1997, Mar.). Beyond miranda. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 3(66), 25–32. Retrieved fromhttps://search-proquest-com.lib.kaplan.edu/central/docview/204120664?accountid=34544

Law enforcement agents can, and do, question citizens suspected of committing a crime, but they cannot conduct an interrogation before ensuring that the suspect is protected against self-incrimination. Courts have prohibited physically coercive techniques when questioning suspects (Brown v. Mississippi). The privilege against self-incrimination does not prevent officers from using psychologically coercive techniques to elicit confessions as long as the suspect is informed of his or her rights prior to custodial interrogation (Miranda v. Arizona).

Discussion Topic: The Miranda Decision

Consider each of the rights statements that make up the Miranda decision. Are there any “rights” that you would add to, or remove from, the Miranda rights? If so, what would they be? Use research to substantiate your thoughts and cite your sources using APA formatting.

Discussion criminal justice | Psychology homework help

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