Ha515 unit 2 journal | Applied Sciences homework help

Ha515 unit 2 journal | Applied Sciences homework help.

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Problems often come in bunches. As the HR Director of a large health system, you are beset with a wide variety of difficult situations. You have been served notice by a union representative that they are expecting contract negotiations to start and therefore you need to start preparing. You anticipate this will be a major challenge due to anticipated demands for increases across the board.

You also have other items to deal with, including:

  • A disciplinary action to oversee concerning a nurse accused of stealing drugs.
  • A board committee is seeking direction on establishing new policies on smoking and obesity.
  • Implementation of a diversity program for the faculty is requiring a lot of your attention.

How would you go about handling each of these situations and what approach would you use? Describe your answer in detail, write in a response to each case scenario. Your Journal entry should be at least 500 words.

Ha515 unit 2 journal | Applied Sciences homework help

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