Make it happen | Management homework help

Make it happen | Management homework help.

Read the article “Key Trends in Workforce Management and New Challenges for HR” located in the Business Source Complete database of the CSU Online Library by clicking the link below: Moschetto, M. (2013). Key trends in workforce management and new challenges for HR. Employment Relations Today, 40(4), 7–13. Retrieved from url= After reviewing the article, write a critique that addresses and offers your opinion in the following areas: What are the key findings regarding compliance with laws and regulations as a component of workforce management? How does the employer-employee relationship factor into legal compliance with workforce management laws? Reflecting on the unit reading and lesson, does this article consider the various employer-employee relationships as it discusses workforce management? Can the author’s opinions be universally applied to the workforce? Support your position by identifying various types of employers, employees, and employer-employee relationships. 

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