Module 6 case study: perfection

Module 6 case study: perfection.



Module 6 focuses on the fifth and final principle of Lean, Perfection. This module introduces several tools associated with Lean, including poka-yoke and 5S. These tools can be applied in both your professional and personal life.

Please view the videos on poka-yoke and 5S. Choose one topic to respond to the following points:


Poka-yoke, the Japanese term for error or mistake proofing, is intended to reduce variation or prevent defects (aka errors or mistakes) caused by human interaction with a process.

Submit a one- to two-page paper responding to the following points:

Thinking of your organization, identify and describe as many examples of poka-yoke as possible. For each of these examples, how do they reduce human variation or prevent defects?

In your personal life, identify and describe some examples of poka-yoke that help you from making mistakes. How do they do this?


5S is a Japanese organizational methodology with five steps that start with the letter “S”. Some organizations have added a sixth step, Safety.

Submit a one- to two-page paper responding to the following points:

Has your organization implemented 5S? If so, what are some examples? How has 5S impacted your organization positively? If not, what suggestions do you have for implementing 5S?

Let’s move to 5S in your personal life. In most of our residences, there are areas that get cluttered including garages, attics, basements, kitchens, closets, etc. Pick one area and for each step of 5S describe the activities you would do.


  • Page length: 2 pages, double-spaced

Module 6 case study: perfection

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