Practicum journal wk 10 | Nursing homework help

Practicum journal wk 10 | Nursing homework help.


Each week you will complete a Practicum Journal entry and Time Log that prompts you to reflect on and document your Practicum Experiences.

Practicum Journal

Continue documenting your Practicum Experiences in your Practicum Journal. Reflect on your practicum experiences and relate them to your Professional Goals and Self-Assessment of Clinical Skills that you identified in Week 1.

Follow journal entry format and choose any illness or patient…..


Reflect on a patient who presented with a disease. Describe key signs and symptoms that were consistent with this disease. If you diagnosed the patient with the disease, describe your experience in telling the patient that she had the disease, as well as the patient’s reaction to the diagnosis. Explain how the diagnosis might impact the patient’s life short-term and long-term. Include an explanation of the patient’s medical history, drug therapy and treatments, and follow-up care. If you did not have an opportunity to evaluate a patient with this background during the last four weeks, you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences.

Practicum journal wk 10 | Nursing homework help

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