Psychodynamic explanation of behavior paper

Psychodynamic explanation of behavior paper.


Psychodynamic Theory Scenario

Timothy is a 32-year-old Caucasian male who is married with 2 male children, ages 2 and 4. He grew up in a household with 2 older sisters, making him the youngest child. His parents are still married, and he has a close relationship with his mother. As a child, Timothy began playing sports at 6 years old and quickly excelled. When he was 9 years old, he broke his ankle playing baseball and took 6 months to recuperate. Despite his injury as a child, he played on his school’s baseball team throughout middle school and high school. In high school, he struggled to maintain his grades in his classes and focused the majority of his attention on sports and friendships. He was quite popular and made friends easily. 

After high school, he earned a scholarship to a local junior college for baseball, and he continued to play while he finished his associate’s degree. After college, he obtained a job with his father’s company to pay the bills, but he did not feel any type of attachment to or satisfaction from it. He married his wife when he was 26 and has been the main financial provider for his family. 

He is seeking career counseling because he has been unable to find and maintain a job that provides him with meaning and satisfaction. 

*There are a few theories under the psychodynamic perspective, and they have their similarities and differences in regard to how they explain behavior. This assignment will allow you to see these differences as you discuss an individual’s behavior through a theoretical lens. 

Read the Psychodynamic Theory Scenario.

Select 1 of the following theories to apply to the individual in this scenario:

  • Alfred Adler: individual psychology
  • Carl Jung: analytical psychology
  • Erik Erikson: post-Freudian theory

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that discusses how this theory explains the behavior of the individual in the scenario. Include the following:

  • A description of the main concepts within the theory
  • An explanation of how the main concepts of the theory may apply to the individual
  • A description of the ways this theory explains this individual’s personality well and where it falls short

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Psychodynamic explanation of behavior paper

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