Schedule, cost estimate, and integrated change control

Schedule, cost estimate, and integrated change control.


Using software of your choice and the PMBOK Guide, develop a schedule and integrated-change plan for your project. Using a provided template, also develop the project cost estimate (budget).


This assessment is the next portfolio work project in this course. You may choose to base your assessment on the Cosmo, Inc. case study 

Project Integration Management is “the processes and activities to identify, define, combine, unify, and coordinate the various processes and project management activities within the Project Management Process Groups” (Project Management Institute, 2017, p. 569).

Throughout a project life cycle, processes and activities involved in project integration management include identifying, defining, combining, and unifying processes and activities that are implemented throughout the entirety of the project. Project schedule, costs, and change control are components of an integrated approach to successful project outcome. Change management is considered integrated, because it considers the impact of any change in cost, schedule, scope, quality, risk, resources, or customer satisfaction on all the other factors.


Project Management Institute. Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) — Sixth Edition and Agile Practice Guide. Newtown Square. PA. 2017.


For this assessment:

  • Based on the analysis completed by a task force at Cosmo, Inc., the marketing department must develop, implement, and test a new marketing campaign focused on maintaining current customer levels and increasing their customer base through the utilization of new technology. Refer to the Cosmo, Inc. Case Study [DOC] document for more information.

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Schedule, cost estimate, and integrated change control

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