System architecture | Information Systems homework help

System architecture | Information Systems homework help.

Selecting the System Architecture

Systems analysts have to consider a great many factors when recommending system architectures. Use an example of a new business information system to respond to the following:

  • Suggest 2 or 3 non-technical questions a systems analyst might ask of stakeholders to determine appropriate architectural choices for the new system.   
  • Show, through a scenario, how different responses would lead to at least two different recommendations. Do not repeat an example from the textbook or one that has been posted by another student. 

In academia, facts must be verified and opinions supported, so offer a rationale that includes something you’ve learned this week. Include references as appropriate, but do not quote or paraphrase.

Discussions are an important part of your learning. Share your thoughts, suggestions, and questions with your classmates and learn from theirs. Interact just as you would in a traditional classroom. Post your initial response by Wednesday. Then, return on a couple of other days to interact with your classmates in substantive posts that further the discussion.

System architecture | Information Systems homework help

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