Unit ii project | MEE 5801 – Industrial & Hazardous Waste Management | Columbia Southern University

Unit ii project | MEE 5801 – Industrial & Hazardous Waste Management | Columbia Southern University.


As a continuation of our course project due in Unit VIII  (a proposal for an    industrial and hazardous waste treatment facility), complete  the next two      sections (management considerations and physical treatment) of your  proposal     by  following the instructions carefully, and then submit your continued draft. 


  1. Closely read the Required Reading   assignment from Bahadori (2014)                  and the Unit Lesson within the Study   Guide. 
  2.  Open your proposal draft from Unit I and   make any improvements to your                  draft using your professor’s feedback from the   Unit I project              assignment. 
  3.  Open the Unit II Study Guide, read the   Unit II Lesson, and then work                  with the embedded interactive model to decide   what physical        treatment           equipment to include in your treatment process   design.          
  4. Continue from your Unit I Project and   make your second level one                  heading titled “Management Considerations.” Discuss   the following        variables           as part of the scenario. Be sure to mention your          intentions to   provide         physical treatment, chemical treatment,        biological     treatment, general     sewage     treatment techniques, and        solid waste   treatment   using the     financial     resources identified        below. Also,   consider how you would       organize, manage,     and lead        staff. Discuss   what staff certifications and       facility licenses will            be required in   order to operate the facility.     Finally,   discuss    when     you     anticipate   that the facility will demonstrate     a return    on the       investment     (ROI):    
    •    Capital costs of construction budget:   $1,000,000 (5-year note)                     
    •  Capital cost of equipment budget:   $1,000,000 (5-year) 
    • O&M budget:   $500,000/year 
    •  Forecasted revenue generation:   $1,000,000/year 
    •  Useful life of plant: 15 years   minimum 
    •  Loan interest rate: 5% (5 year   note) 
    •  Operating hours: Monday through Friday:   0800hrs – 1700hrs 
    •  Available personnel: 4 staff   members 

You are  required to describe the scenario in at least one page. 

  1.    Continue from your Unit I Project and   make your third level one                  heading titled “Physical Treatment.” Discuss what   physical    treatment               equipment you are proposing for your treatment    process. Be   sure   and     describe         why you selected the equipment    and what final   effluent       concentrations     you     anticipate will be    lowered with the   equipment. You     are   required to     describe     the    equipment selection   in at least one       page. 

Unit ii project | MEE 5801 – Industrial & Hazardous Waste Management | Columbia Southern University

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