What does it mean to be an effective manager in a diverse workforce?

What does it mean to be an effective manager in a diverse workforce?.


Assignment name: Scenario Analysis: What does it mean to be an effective manager in a diverse workforce?

Length: 750 words excluding references (± 10%)

Assignment 1 – What does it mean to be an effective manager in a diverse workforce?

There are 4 steps to writing this essay

Step 1: Read & Watch

· Read the article by Schroth, H 2019, ‘Are You Ready for Gen Z in the Workplace?’, California Management Review, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 5–18. (Links to an external site.) [make sure you are logged into the RMIT library to access this site].

· Watch ‘What baby boomers can learn from Millennials at work and vice versa’ (Conley 2018) Ted Talk

· As you read and watch, think about how these two sources can help you answer the topic question:  “What does it mean to be an effective manager in a diverse workforce?” NOTE:  we are asking you to focus primarily on inter-generational diversity for this task.

If you’re having trouble viewing the video please try the following link: What Baby Boomers Can learn from millennials at work (Links to an external site.)

Step 2: Find at least three credible journal articles in addition to the resources in Step 1

Now that you have noted how these two resources help you answer the question, what other peer-reviewed, academic journal articles can you find to help you build on those arguments?

Select between 3 – 6 articles you wish to include.  Take notes or mark up the articles to identify the key points.  Next, analyse the key points in relation to the topic question. Use these key points to support your approach to answering the topic question in the 3 body paragraphs of your essay.

I have already attached the references for you please see attachments ref 1-4 

Step 3: Write your argumentative essay

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Step 4: Referencing guidelines

· Your reference list should include the Schroth article, the Conley (2018) TED Talk along with a minimum of three other credible sources:

o Schroth, H 2019, ‘Are You Ready for Gen Z in the Workplace?’, California Management Review, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 5–18. doi: 10.1177/0008125619841006.

o Conley, C 2018, What baby boomers can learn from Millennials at work and vice versa, TED Salon: Verizon September, viewed 10 April 2019,   <https://www.ted.com/talks/chip_conley_what_baby_boomers_can_learn_from_millennials_at_work_and_vice_versa>.

· You must refer to between 3 – 6 other credible, peer-reviewed

For your references please see attachments files already uploaded  

What does it mean to be an effective manager in a diverse workforce?

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