618 module 2 | Information Systems homework help

618 module 2 | Information Systems homework help.

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Book Name :- 

Reynolds, George W. Information Technology for Managers, 2nd Edition. (2016). Cengage 

Learning. ISBN: 978-1-305-38983-0.

ASSIGNMENT: From Chapter 2, page 59; answer Jobs vs. Cook case.

Steve Jobs was a strong, charismatic leader who co-founded Apple and is credited with much of the success of the company. Some believe that Tim Cook, who became CEO in 2011, embraces a more collaborative leadership style. Do research to compare and contrast the leadership styles of the two CEOs. (You may wish to view the 2013 movie JOBS, which portrays the story of Steve Jobs’ ascension from college dropout to Apple CEO.) Which CEO—Jobs or Cook—do you think developed and executed the most effective strategic plan? What evidence can you find to support your opinion?


Type your responses with proper headings in a word document 320 word.

APA format and Cited References 

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