History of rock n roll anser all 5 questions! no refrence page needed

History of rock n roll anser all 5 questions! no refrence page needed.

 1.The three major technological  advancements in music transmission have been radio, MTV, and the  Internet. Compare and contrast all three with examples of the strengths  and weaknesses of each. 


1. “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson is  significant in many ways. What breakthrough was it culturally?  Musically, how does the groove fit against the vocal delivery? How does  the production play into the presentation?

2. “”Like a Virgin” by Madonna  displays her affinity for dance and controversy. How does her image  project into the musical performance? Is there any similarity between  her and Jackson’s production value?

3. “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” by The  Police offers a glimpse of the group at the height of their popularity  and creative flow. How do their roots in ska and reggae show through in  this piece? Does the band’s technical prowess overshadow the song? How  does the vocal delivery support the lyrical content?

4. The wide range of music created during  the 1980’s shows both a revival of earlier styles and a move forward  with new music. Considering bands/artists as diverse as Prince, The  Eurhythmics, U2, Squeeze, Cyndi Lauper, Bruce Springsteen, The Stray  Cats, Hall and Oats, The Cure, and Genesis, is this era as significant  to the development of rock music as the early 1970’s were? Why?

History of rock n roll anser all 5 questions! no refrence page needed

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