Youtube- individual chapter presentations (ppt file & executive

Youtube- individual chapter presentations (ppt file & executive.


Guidelines for Chapter Presentations:


  • Choose a chapter of interest
  • Go above and beyond the book chapter 
  • Research on reliable sites and provide references
  • Provide insight on the chapter as to the innovation; latest and greatest in that topic
  • Provide a short written paper (2-3 pages)
  • Provide a PowerPoint presentation 
  • Provide video links or other creative modalities

Chapter Presentation Grading Rubric Summer 2019 – Total points is 20




Understanding of chapter concepts

Provides crisp yet informative recap of chapter highlights

Skims over chapter highlights

Makes little to no mention of chapter highlights

Evidence of innovation and research

Describes best practices and cutting edge innovation and /or research on the chapter topics

Mentions innovation but gives few if no examples of innovation or current research on chapter topics

Makes no mention of innovation or current research on chapter topics

Oral presentation

Remove old verbiage here and replace with the following:

Holds attention of entire audience with a smooth delivery that is conversational and confident and not scripted. Uses examples throughout.

Remove old verbiage here and replace with the following:

Holds attention with organized and thorough delivery

Remove old verbiage here and replace with the following

Does not sound convincing or in control of material; basically is ready to us.

Written presentation

Quality of chapter summary is superior. Format and content are clear and concise with no errors in grammar, spelling or context

Quality of chapter summary is average; with basic formatting and use of spell check; grammar and context are mostly in order

Quality of chapter summary is substandard in any or all of:  grammar, spelling and /or context. Formatting is not acceptable

Youtube- individual chapter presentations (ppt file & executive

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